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When At-Home Skin Care Isn’t Enough
At-home skin care is incredibly important. But no matter how faithful you are about cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and protecting, age will eventually catch up to you. When at-home skin care isn’t enough, it’s time to step up to the next level. Dr. Mouchantat and Clarified Complexions have a wide range of skin rejuvenation treatments that can help you maintain a youthful, healthy glow.
Professional Skin Care
Professional skin care can help you achieve results that simply aren’t possible at home. BBL™ BroadBand Light treatments here at Clarified Complexions use light to fundamentally change gene structure and reveal smoother, clearer, and younger-looking skin. Glycolic acids can soften rough, dried skin, while vitamin-A enriched Retin-A® can change the cellular metabolism of the surface skin to guard against fine lines and protect from sun damage. Our medical grade skin care products carry higher concentrations of active ingredients than over-the-counter products, which gives them significantly higher effectiveness. With a customized skin care plan, we can help you preserve healthy skin that is strengthened against the harsh elements for protection against aging and damage.
Laser skin treatments can also provide incredible skin rejuvenation. The xeo® laser effectively corrects common skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne, facial veins, age spots, rosacea, skin laxity, scars, and more. The Halo™ hybrid fractional laser improves skin tone, texture, and glow while significantly reducing discoloration, fine lines, and pore size.
If you have rough or scarred skin, dermabrasion is an excellent option. This skin renewal treatment removes damaged surface skin to reveal the healthy, unharmed and glowing skin beneath. Dermabrasion treatments can successfully eliminate wrinkles, lines, texture, and scars. There is no risk of pigment changes in the skin, so this treatment can be safely administered on men or women of any skin tone.
Dermal fillers can improve signs of aging such as volume loss and skin sagging. A short injectable treatment can enhance volume in areas such as the cheeks and lips as well as fill in wrinkles and deep creases. Fillers can even be used to fill in depressed scars to create a more even skin texture. With regular upkeep treatments, you can maintain smooth skin with youthful fullness.
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
A variety of treatments at our location can eliminate and protect against wrinkles. In addition to medical grade skin care, lasers, dermabrasion, and fillers, BOTOX® Cosmetic can eliminate moderate to severe wrinkles in the forehead and eye area. Maintenance treatments every few months ensure longer lasting results and can keep you looking younger longer.
At-home skin care is important, but it can only do so much. To make sure your skin is getting the full extent of care that it needs, contact us today to book your appointment.