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What is a Filler?
Dermal fillers are a type of cosmetic treatment that can enhance your natural beauty. These injectable substances offer a non-surgical solution to address various facial concerns and help you achieve a more youthful appearance.
More » Next Page »Enhance Facial Harmony by Combining Your Facelift with Other Procedures
While some patients may achieve their desired results with a single isolated procedure, sometimes it is better to combine multiple procedures together. For example, a facelift on its own can treat certain signs of aging, but combining a facelift with other procedures may provide even more optimal results. Here we’ll discuss some of the most complementary treatments for facelift surgery that can help you achieve a more harmonious and balanced outcome.
The following procedures can all work synergistically with a facelift: a brow lift, neck lift, eyelid surgery, BOTOX® Cosmetic, and dermal fillers.
More » Next Page »BOTOX® vs Fillers: What’s the Difference Between These Popular Anti-Wrinkle Treatments?
When it comes to anti-wrinkle treatments, the two most popular treatments tend to be BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers. But what’s the difference between these treatments? And which one should you get? In this blog post, we will explain the differences between BOTOX® Cosmetic and facial fillers so that you can decide which treatment is right for you.
More » Next Page »’Tis the Season to Get BOTOX!
One of the great secrets of the season is the wonders of BOTOX® Cosmetic. This simple injectable has been the key for millions of people looking to disguise moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles. BOTOX® Cosmetic is the perfect way to get a quick rejuvenating touch-up before all the holiday parties.

Looking Your Best
Holiday gatherings are usually a big deal. Work luncheons, parties with friends, and especially family reunions all have you wanting to look your best. This time of year, it’s not uncommon for it to be the first time you’ve seen some family members or friends in many months – even years! Of course, you want to look good so that they see you in a positive light. No one wants to look old or rundown around their extended family and friends; you want to look like a successful individual with a happy, fulfilled life.
But does the person you see in the mirror reflect that image? Do you look like the person you want to present to your family? If not, you know someone’s bound to notice. At every gathering, there’s usually one individual who tends to make passive aggressive or rude comments (sometimes after a little too much holiday eggnog). They might say the decorations are shabby, so-and-so’s a deadbeat, or did you see how much weight your aunt put on this year? It’s only a matter of minutes before they loudly call attention to your crow’s feet or forehead trenches to everyone in the room.
The Magic of BOTOX® Cosmetic
BOTOX® Cosmetic is a cosmetic injectable that can quickly erase signs of aging in the upper face. Injecting BOTOX® Cosmetic into forehead lines, crow’s feet, or brow furrows relaxes the tiny facial muscles in these areas so that they stop contracting when making facial expressions. Stopping the muscles from contracting doesn’t prevent you from making facial expressions, but it does prevent those expressions from creating wrinkles and lines. You can still laugh, smile, frown, glare – genuinely express how you feel – and your expression will look natural AND free of wrinkles.
BOTOX® Cosmetic is often called a “lunchtime treatment” because treatment only takes a few minutes and has no downtime. It’s a quick and easy way to rejuvenate your appearance just in time for everyone come into town. With BOTOX® Cosmetic injections, fine lines and wrinkles can be quickly smoothed away so that you no longer look aged, angry, tired, or rundown. You’ll look youthful and rejuvenated despite the passage of time. It’s the perfect solution for touching up your look before your big holiday party with the family.
Schedule your appointment now to get BOTOX® Cosmetic injections just in time for the holidays.
BOTOX® vs Brow Lift
These days, it’s all about bold, beautiful brows. If your brows don’t portray strong, youthful confidence, you might need more than microblading. Forehead wrinkles and brow sagging eventually happen to everyone, but when it’s time to revitalize your look, is BOTOX® Cosmetic or brow lift surgery the better choice? These two brow treatments are quite different, and ultimately the best one for you will depend on what you’re looking for.
Botox®: What Do Wrinkles Have to Do With It?
Botox® has long been synonymous with wrinkle reduction—and for good reason! Botox safely and effectively treats crow’s feet (the pesky lines extending from the outer corner of your eyes), frown lines (formed in between the eyebrows), and forehead furrows. A patient favorite at Mouchantat Plastic Surgery, many patients wonder: what do wrinkles have to do with Botox?
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Facial Fillers for Darker Skin: Experience Matters

More Men and Women With Darker Skin Choosing Cosmetic Procedures
According to Dr. Valerie Callender, a dermatologist at Howard University, “Your typical skin of color patient is 45 years old, has some volume loss, some infraorbital hollowing, and is definitely concerned about laugh lines.” Patients with darker skin pigmentation are at an increased risk of forming keloids, a type of scarring that may be caused by injections but is rare in those with lighter skin. Dr. Callender says that, “The No. 1 tip is to minimize the number of injections to minimize the risk of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. If there is erythema, apply a topical corticosteroid.” One advantage for those with darker pigmentation is that an increased amount of skin pigmentation tends to have a protective benefit against UV aging, helping darker skin to look 10 or even 20 years younger than comparable lighter skin. The unique characteristics of the various types of skin have not been studied conclusively with regards to specific cosmetic treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers and other skin treatments. Dr. Callender noted that more trials are needed in the future to determine short and long-term effects of the many available treatments on patients with darker skin. Photo by DioBurto on Flickr Next Page »Young Men and Women Choosing Botox to Prevent Wrinkles

Younger Patients Looking for Anti-Aging and Facial Contouring Procedures
According to Dr. Stella, a cosmetic surgeon quoted in the press release, “BOTOX is not just a wrinkle reducer; it can also act as a wrinkle deterrent. Studies have shown that applying BOTOX to the fine lines that are precursors to deeper wrinkles can prevent those deeper wrinkles from occurring later, in the patient’s 30s and beyond. People in their 20s and early 30s who have begun to show facial aging can benefit in the long term from BOTOX.” In addition to the growth seen in Botox treatments for young patients, this popular procedure is skyrocketing in popularity with patients of all demographics. According to the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS) statistics, Botox injections are have been the leading non-surgical cosmetic procedure for patients under 35 in recent years. In terms of surgical procedures, the most popular plastic surgery procedures for patients under 35 have been rhinoplasties, also known as nose jobs. This is a particularly popular type of procedure for patients of all ages, as nose surgeries can address a wide range of issues that are not necessarily related to aging. In many cases, a nose job can help to provide a more naturally balanced overall appearance to the face, helping to accent the natural beauty of other areas, such as the eyes, smile or hair. Photo by liber on Flickr. Next Page »Harnessing Natural Fat Stem Cells for Fat Grafting Injections

Fat Grafting Techniques Improved for All Types of Plastic Surgery
According to Dr. Rod Rohrich, the creator of this classification system: “Not all fat grafting is the same. It is a complex procedure with definable subtypes. The new classification system is a good example of using evidence-based medicine to make efficacious decisions that benefit patients. Fat grafting is here to stay, but we are in the process of defining how to use it. The possibilities are very exciting—including the use of a person’s own stem cells within the fat cells to support the regeneration of fat.” The new classification system focuses on four key aspects of any fat transfer process that must be handled properly for a successful result. These include proper methods for harvesting the donor fat, processing the fat cells, transplanting the processed fat and managing the chosen recipient site. Fat transfer injections are often used for body contouring procedures, but can also be used as facial fillers, to provide youthfulness and balance to the face. Part of the future of these procedures lies in harvesting the rejuvenative potential of the stem cells found naturally in fat. Research may someday lead to dramatic benefits from these cells, as their secrets are unlocked and used in a wide range of cosmetic procedures. Photo by gareth1953 Need a By Pass on Flickr. Next Page »Hand Rejuvenation 101

The Challenges of Hand Rejuvenation
“The hands are a hot new area. Now that we have the face so well treated, we’re looking at the hands, neck and décolleté.” – Dr. Neil S. SadickThere are several challenges that prevent hand rejuvenation surgery from being a viable option. According to New York dermatologist Dr. Neil S. Sadick, the removal of skin on the hands would result in significant scarring and poor healing. The hand, with its many moving parts, presents too many dangers of complications.
“You’d have to literally take a scissors and separate the tissue, and you might interfere with some of the tendons.” – Dr. John F. FarellaBotox is another common method of resolving wrinkles in the face, but is poorly suited for use in the hands. Since it works by inhibiting targeted muscles and allowing other muscles to stretch, it is highly effective for facial wrinkles, but would limit the function of the hand.