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Frustrated with Your Mom Bod? Give Yourself a Mommy Makeover

Becoming a mom is a beautiful experience, but it’s not without costs. Your pregnancy probably left you with a few body shape changes that you’d rather reverse. Despite your best efforts to shed the baby weight, diet and exercise can’t fix a “mom bod” on their own. Fortunately, a Mommy Makeover can restore attractive, youthful, and toned contours and get rid of your mom bod for good.
Is “Mom Bod” a Thing?
Anyone who has ever been pregnant and born a child knows firsthand that a “mom bod” is real. Many changes occur in the body during pregnancy. Internal organs shift out of the way to make room for the baby. As the baby grows, the abdominal muscles and skin stretch. The abdominal muscle wall can even separate during this time. Stretch marks form on the skin of the stomach due to the speed at which the skin stretches. To protect mother and baby, the body creates more natural insulation, leading to fat accumulation on the abdomen and other areas. In preparation for nursing, the breasts enlarge and swell.