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Eyelid Surgery is on the Rise: Here’s Why You Should Get Blepharoplasty
Did you know that eyelid surgery is on the rise? Statistics from 2020 indicated that eyelid surgery was the second most popular cosmetic surgery among Americans, with over 325,000 procedures performed despite the COVID-19 pandemic. More recent survey data from 2021 showed that 73 percent of surgeons—up 17 percent from 2020—all reported an increase in patients asking for eyelid procedures to help them look less tired. So, what’s behind this trend? Here are some of the reasons people are getting eyelid surgery these days and why you may want to consider jumping on this trend yourself.
Reason #1: Eyelid Surgery Can Give You a Naturally Youthful Appearance
While people have been seeking a fountain of youth for generations, recent cultural shifts have also been trending toward a love of natural beauty, as more and more people are opting for ways to subtly enhance rather than mask or fundamentally alter their natural features. People are learning that of all facial procedures, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may have the greatest impact in helping restore a youthful and refreshed appearance without the need for excessive makeup or frequent BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal filler appointments. This procedure can help you achieve a more youthful appearance without looking “done” and will give you a natural look that is both attractive and refreshing.
Reason #2: COVID-19 Has Drawn More Attention to Our Eyes
Although millions of elective surgeries were postponed or canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eyelid surgery had only a small percentage decrease (8%) compared to other popular procedures (down 13% for BOTOX® Cosmetic injections, 20% for liposuction, and 33% for breast augmentation). And in recent months, blepharoplasty seems to be climbing right back up again.
There are two convincing reasons why COVID-19 may have in fact been partially responsible for the recent rise in blepharoplasties. First, wearing masks everywhere meant that all we saw of each other’s faces were our eyes. With only our eyes visible above a facemask, it’s only natural to want them to look their best! Second, COVID lockdowns meant a major boost in video calls, and suddenly there were millions of people seeing their own faces in the corner of their screens for hours every day. Wanting to project their best image appears to have convinced many to finally do something about their tired-looking eyes. And with its capacity to dramatically rejuvenate the eye area, eyelid surgery has proven to be the best solution for this problem.
Reason #3: Stress and Fatigue Have a Major Impact On the Eyes
Perhaps the greatest factor is that we are living through a stressful time. The COVID-19 pandemic, unrest at home and abroad, and tough economic times have taken a toll on us all. These things have a very real effect on our appearances and can cause wrinkles, sagging, and dark circles around the eyes. In today’s world, looking well-rested is paramount to feeling good about yourself and having confidence in the way you present yourself to others. Blepharoplasty is an excellent way to diminish signs of fatigue and anxiety and can make the eyes appear more lifted, brightened, and alert.
Most of all, blepharoplasty is on the rise because it is effective. This procedure can treat droopy eyelids and get rid of puffiness, excess skin, displaced fat, and under-eye bags. Treating the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both could have a powerful impact on erasing the negative effects of age, allergies, genetics, stress, and lifestyle habits on the eye area.
Blepharoplasty is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure due to its effectiveness in rejuvenating and refreshing the eye area. This procedure could help reduce wrinkles, puffiness, bags, and sagging skin around your eyes to give you a more refreshed and youthful appearance.
To request a blepharoplasty consultation with Dr. Mouchantat, call (303) 232-8585 or contact us online today.