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Breast Pain While Exercising? Consider Breast Reduction
Do your breasts hurt while exercising? Do you avoid certain physical activities because your breasts are too large? If your breasts are hindering your ability live an active and healthy lifestyle, you may want to consider breast reduction.
Pain Associated with Oversized Breasts
Having overly large breasts is often associated with chronic pain, particularly in the back, neck, and shoulder areas. You may feel as though your breasts are like two boulders hanging from your chest, making it difficult to function normally. Many women with oversized breasts suffer this discomfort or pain even during normal daily activities, and these symptoms tend to worsen during physical exercise.
How Large Breasts Can Affect Exercise
Large breasts place excess weight and pressure on the chest. If breast size is disproportionate—if the breasts are unusually large for her frame—the woman likely does not have enough natural breast support. During high impact exercises such as running or jumping, large breasts can bounce painfully and negatively impact your rhythm, movement, and breathing. You may find that this pain creeps into your neck, shoulders, and back as you try to minimize the excess breast movement. Large breasts can also limit your maneuverability while exercising, slow your movement speed, and force you to adapt your form to compensate. A landmark study of the 2012 London Marathon revealed that even one third of marathon runners experienced breast pain while exercising, and this pain was linked to breast size.
Another perpetrator of breast pain while exercising is the sports bra. As challenging as it is for large-breasted women to find a proper daytime bra, it is even more difficult for them to find a well-fitted sports bra. If your sports bra is too tight, this may put more pressure on your lungs and make it difficult to breathe properly during physical exertion. If your sports bra is too loose or of inferior quality, the lack of support may lead to breast bouncing that is at best uncomfortable and at worst extremely painful, sometimes causing soreness that lasts for days.
The biggest concern for women who experience breast pain during exercise is that it can deter them from exercising in the first place. Exercise is an important part of health and well-being, and if your breast size is interfering with your ability to participate in physical activities, breast reduction may be the answer.
IMAGE: Before & After Case 4 photos 5 and 6
Breast Reduction Can Reduce Pain While Exercising
Breast reduction is a procedure that surgically removes excess breast tissue so that the breasts are more modest size. The procedure is completely customized for the patient’s needs and can involve a small or a large amount of breast tissue removal.
In addition to improving your body proportions, breast reduction surgery could significantly impact your quality of life. This procedure can significantly reduce and even eliminate breast pain or discomfort while exercising. After the surgery, your ability to breathe properly, maintain form, maneuver quickly, and engage in higher impact physical activities will not be hampered by your breast size.
Many breast reduction patients who previously avoided or limited their physical activities have found joy and satisfaction inviting those activities back into their lives. By taking control over your figure, you free yourself to try activities you have previously been unable to enjoy. You may finally be able to achieve certain goals in speed and endurance that used to seem unattainable. Getting a breast reduction could even be the key to discovering a new passion for sport and fitness that could unlock a lifetime of better health and wellness.
Breast reduction is associated with one of the highest satisfaction rates of all cosmetic surgeries. If your breast size is negatively affecting your ability to exercise, consider getting a breast reduction. Dr. Mouchantat is currently offering free telehealth virtual consultations for patients interested in learning more. To schedule your appointment, call (303) 232-8585 or contact us online today.