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Breast Augmentation Essentials: Breast Implant Profiles
The profile of a breast implant refers to how far the implant projects outward from the chest wall. Your choice in breast implant profile will have a major impact on your results after breast augmentation surgery.
Profile Options
Most breast implants are either low profile, moderate profile, or high profile. Other varieties (such as moderate plus and ultra high) are also available, but for the most part, implants are one of these three profiles.
- Low Profile Implants: These implants are relatively flat, with a wide base and minimal outward projection from the chest wall.
- Moderate Profile Implants: These implants have more forward projection and a moderate base width.
- High Profile Implants: These implants have a high forward projection and a narrow implant base.
Implants come in various profiles to accommodate different body proportions and preferences. Both your body proportions and your desired results will determine which implant profile is best for you.
Which Implant Profile is Best for My Body?
Your body proportions will naturally favor one implant profile over another. Before making a recommendation, your plastic surgeon will measure your chest to simulate how implants of various sizes and profiles would look on you.
Here are examples of two contrasting body types and which implant profile might produce the best results for each of these individuals.
- Petite frame with narrow chest wall: This woman may want high or moderate profile implants. A smaller implant base will give more natural-looking results for this body type. By contrast, low profile implants may be a poor choice because the implant base may be too wide, which would create unnatural-looking results and increase the risk of implant displacement.
- Wide chest wall with wideset breasts: This woman may want low or moderate profile implants. A wider implant base will give more natural-looking results for this body type. By contrast, high profile implants may be a poor choice because the implants will appear too small for her frame, which would create unnatural-looking “stuck on” breasts.
Using your body’s measurements, your surgeon will be able to recommend a profile that would be best for your body frame.
Which Implant Profile Will Give Me the Results I Want?
Your desired results will steer you toward one implant profile. Here are some general recommendations.
- Enhance while keeping a flatter or more subtle shape: Consider low profile implants.
- Natural-looking enhancement: Consider moderate profile implants.
- Fuller, rounder, more dramatic results: Consider high profile implants.
Your surgeon will help you evaluate your goals and determine what will be the best look for you.
Weight Body Proportions and Desired Results Together
Breast implant profile should be chosen based on both body proportions and your desired results. These two characteristics may make it easy for you to decide, or they may make your decision more difficult. If they seem to contradict each other, do not worry. Your plastic surgeon will help you make a decision by weighing other important factors (such as size and placement) that will also affect your results.
As examples:
- You have a wide chest wall, but you desire significantly fuller and rounder breasts: Consider low or moderate profile implants that are a larger size, and request subglandular placement instead of submuscular placement. Low to moderate implants have a wider base that is better for your body type, and a larger implant size with subglandular placement will give you the full, shapely boost you desire.
- You have a petite frame, and you only want a little boost to give your figure some softness: Consider high profile implants of a small size, and request placement under the chest muscle. High profile implants have a narrow base that is better for your body type, and the smaller size with placement beneath the chest muscle will create more subtle and natural-looking results.
Your surgeon will work with you to understand your goals and suggest an implant profile that will help you achieve the best results.
To request your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Mouchantat, call (303) 232-8585 or contact us online today.