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What to Expect After Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Recovery Guide
Recovering from breast augmentation surgery is a critical part of your journey to achieve your aesthetic goals. Knowing what to expect and how to care for yourself after surgery will make the process smoother and more comfortable for you. Here’s a detailed guide to help you get through breast augmentation recovery.
Eating and Meals
After any major surgery, it’s important to watch what you eat, and breast augmentation is no exception. In the first few days after surgery, you may find smaller, more frequent meals easier to manage than larger ones. Eat what sounds appetizing, but avoid heavy, rich foods that may upset your stomach. Eating properly during the post-operative period will help you recover as quickly as possible.
Take medications as directed by your surgeon. To minimize the risk of nausea, have a small snack or light meal before taking pain medications. Some medications can cause constipation, so you should drink plenty of water and consider taking an over-the-counter stool softener such as Colace or Senna Kot to prevent discomfort. If needed, Milk of Magnesia can help relieve constipation safely when taken as directed.
Rest and Movement
Rest is essential after breast augmentation surgery, but staying sedentary for long periods can slow your recovery. While resting, raise your legs and flex your leg muscles frequently to keep circulation up. Aim to walk for 5 to 10 minutes around your house approximately four or five times each day; this will encourage circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Avoid resistive exercise and lifting more than 5 pounds with each hand until you are cleared to do more. If you have shaped implants, you should limit your arm movements to no higher than the top of your head. If you have round implants, you can also gently move your arms through their full range of motion.
You can take a shower 48 hours after surgery unless your discharge instructions specify otherwise. Use the remaining Hibiclens for your first few showers, washing gently right over the wounds and any drain dressing. Be careful to keep your drain dressings intact.
Clothing and Surgical Garment
You will be provided with a surgical garment to wear to support your breasts as they heal. Wash it at least every other day, and wear it consistently to support your healing. Adjust your surgical garment as needed, ensuring it provides proper support. Outer clothing should be easy to put on, such as loose, button-up tops that do not require you to raise your arms to pull them on or off.
Managing Drains
Some patients may have temporary drains played to help with fluid drainage after breast augmentation surgery. If you have drains, keep the dressing intact to protect the surgical site. Empty the drains twice daily, and record the output to share with your surgeon at follow-up visits.
Dealing with Discomfort
Pain medications taken according to your surgeon’s recommendations can provide relief from discomfort as you heal. Gentle massaging can also help ease tenderness or muscle spasms in the chest area. If anything feels unusual or especially uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to call us. We are here to answer your questions and ensure your recovery is on track.
By following these guidelines and staying in close communication with your surgical team, you’ll set the stage for a smooth recovery and beautiful results. If you have any concerns or need assistance, remember that we are just a phone call away!
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mouchantat, call (303) 232-8585 or contact us online today.