Blog Article
Posted on July 18th, 2014 in

If you are already at a healthy weight, but just can’t seem to lose a few stubborn inches, talk to Dr. Mouchantat about the liposuction procedure. Liposuction is a popular body contouring procedure that can chisel away a few inches to create a sculpted look. It can be very effective for removing unwanted fat from problem areas such as the hips, flanks, abdomen, and upper arms.
Reshaping Your Figure with Liposuction
For most people, genetics are to blame when it comes to stubborn fat. If you tend to store more fat in certain areas, no amount of weight loss will change your proportions. There is no way to lose fat only in certain areas without surgery — this is where
liposuction can help. Many women are concerned about extra fat around the outer thighs or in the upper arms. Men often complain about extra fat around their waist (love handles) and in some cases, the chest. Dr. Mouchantat can treat all of these problem areas with a simple liposuction procedure and
contour your body to more aesthetically-pleasing proportions.
Latest Options for Liposuction in Denver
When you’re considering liposuction in Denver, you may discover that different doctors use different techniques or recommend different procedures. Not all methods will provide you with the same level of results, and it is important to always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for your safety during your surgery. Dr. Mouchantat uses suction assisted lipectomy in a controlled and safe manner to achieve reliable and beautiful results. This will give patients a more natural look and a slimmer contouring of the treated area. Liposuction may also be combined with a
body contouring procedure. He can discuss the different surgical methods and techniques in more detail during your liposuction consultation.
Liposuction can be a very attractive option for women and men who just can’t get rid of a few stubborn inches. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come! Schedule your
Denver liposuction procedure with Dr. Mouchantat today.