Blog Article
Rejuvenate Your Look for the Holidays with Facelift Surgery

Fall is a great time to undergo a cosmetic procedure because you can enjoy results just in time for the holiday season. If you are self-conscious about sagging skin and hollow cheeks that are making you look much older than you are, talk to Dr. Mouchantat about undergoing facelift surgery. A facelift can alter your facial contours dramatically and take up to a decade — or more — off your appearance. We have helped many patients reverse the effects of aging with facelift surgery!
Getting Holiday-Ready with a Denver Facelift
The holidays are right around the corner and if you plan on attending lots of social events and gatherings this upcoming season, put your best face forward with a customized cosmetic procedure. A facelift can erase many of the common signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. You will need at least six full weeks for proper healing after a Denver Facelift, but will notice results after the swelling resolves in a couple of weeks. You can expect to be back at work after two weeks and will be able to wear makeup to help cover up any bruising or scars at that time.Is Facelift Surgery Right for Me?
If a series of injectable fillers, skin tightening treatments, or other non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures are no longer doing the trick, facelift surgery may be right for you. Dr. Mouchantat will create a customized treatment plan to address all of your major concerns. Some of the reasons why a facelift may be right for you include:- Tighten loose skin around the mid-face region
- Enhance the jaw line any removing loose skin and fat
- Get rid of excess skin and fat around the neck
- Restore sunken or hollow cheeks
- Smooth out forehead wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes